Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Of Spirituality, Of Sex, Of Youth

Spirituality and I have a long standing relationship. My parents became disciples of a spiritual Guru and I got to know the difference between Guru divas (celebrated in schools back then) and Guru Purnima (celebrated in the ashram) as early as a 6 year old. I soon knew how spirituality is different from religion. And how it was similar. I saw books from Kundalini Yoga to Bhagavatam and loved turning the pages to see the pictures. When I was growing up to become 10, spirituality meant, absence of my parents for few hours and me wandering longing for my mother, sometimes with tearful eyes. I hated the Aashram for this. I have come a long way since then! I have now come in terms with spirituality. What is spirituality? Is it wearing saffron or white, be bald or have long hair and use abstract words as answer? Is it in practicing yoga and singing Bhajans? Or it is simply being a man whom a million follow? Or is it all of the above? Hard to say. But I have a say! It is about still smiling when some one "alleges" you for all of the above. It is about coming in terms with yourself. Being able to love and forgive people, being able to feel good when you buy a new camera and feeling even better when a friend asks for it and you gift it to him with heart. Its the ability to carry many opinions yet believing in one. Its the ability to judge not to judge anyone. Its your presence that makes the difference. Its about loving the whole essence of life and appreciating the fact that you are mortal. This fact of being mortal makes the whole life so precious and worthwhile! Its the ability to carry that happiness in being part of a crowd to remain seclude. It may have different essence in different sects, some say its about Kundalini awakening, its about being a Siddha and its about being the "one" with knowledge and enlightenment  I don't know. For me, from where I stand now its about being aware, everything will pass. the sad parts, the happier ones, just everything. Still being able to remain excited and happy just because you part of it once, you are of it now and you will be again!

Sex as a word makes ripples of current run through your spine as it does as an act. Its one of the best gifts nature has given to human. To love and to lust out of love. Every human act is closely associated with one thing, ego. Ego is the driving force of life. And sex is a man's alter ego. Its spells how you are. A philosopher knows everything in the world are fallacies. But lust of the beloved is a purest form of emotion like true prayer. Its unfiltered, unrestricted, soulfully desired and magnificently ecstatic. I have always been fascinated by it. Desiring to enact myself as the best lover the world has ever seen. Every one does. Often I get obsessed with it too. Not anymore. sex is life in compact. You start excited, you want it to never end, but only the end makes it worth it. And you forget how much you enjoy when you do it. Sex like life is a set of memory. A hundred small things make a complete act of passion. And you try to cling to each of them but you can not as a rule cause you have to rush for the end. That is the goal. And to enjoy it fully you must spend just enough amount of time doing it that your body naturally drives itself to. Otherwise soon its monotonous and you lose the whole purpose of it. Same, analogous to life. Let the mind drive itself. Don't drag it. Don't push it hard. Just remember you have to enjoy each moment of if but its enjoyable cause it has an end, a climax and that keeps you driving. In life you die and in sex you orgasm. Enjoy it, making love to your beloved is not a shameful act live living your life is never one too. The man who says so is the man who never lives. Sex is sin just in dead man's dictionary.

               My beloved's embrace is the heaven for me, I find solace only there
              From ruins I rise too, with the sense of my beloved's desire
              my enemies, the world how would they know, I am a man in love, my soul has caught fire.

Youth is all about power. These are the years you become what you remain for rest of your life. These are the years you build the character you are going to bring up your child with, Love your wife with and support your world with. But like the second law of thermodynamics says the force of entropy will always tend to make you more chaotic! Driving you to love everything, you should not. Today we don't feel "cool" about so many things. Spirituality and sex both are a taboo for us. We avoid  talking about them! We feel ashamed to in being part of a spiritual group and we feel embarrassed to address the strongest force and energy of being youth, the sex urge! We avoid, ignore if nothing works we brazen out. I have done the same so many times. Why? Cause spirituality, like sexuality is very personal. We are insecure sharing it with just anyone! But we are not aware of it. We find it uncool. We feel spirituality will make us look old and sexuality will ruin the "false" images we see of ourselves in others eyes. Its cool to be spiritual! I mean you wear that wayfarer glasses yet able to do Kriya Yoga flawlessly, that's like awesome! You do the kriya yoga, yet can talk about sexuality, its conduct, use, misuse in length before an audience of thousand, that is kick ass. Cause as Indian youth we inherit both! They make the foundation of what we are as a society. We just as youth have successfully managed to misunderstand both. So lets be cool and stop being fool! lets be young while we are young!


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