Saturday, July 13, 2013

I want to live. More.

Its easy to loose focus. Let yourself down. Get scattered and find excuses. Its even easier to lie down there, cribbing on past, situations and people, falling apart closed eyes oblivious to the possibilities. But then life is a tough bet. A little push, hinge, a little strength to get yourself start rolling makes the difference. Lies ahead two choices: Keep thinking and let thoughts rule and other is pull yourself up gather that last 1% strength and just let yourself move one step ahead, life always wants you to win, it only tests whether you want to win or not. Just tell life loud and clear that you have that will to win, to live. Life is not abut despair, its about perseverance, believe and ability to get up.  I want to live. More. I want to surpass my expectations, I want to break free of sorrow and desires, I want to push myself a little harder. I want to live. More.


1 comment:

KiranKumarReddy Digavinti said...

Liked it very much :) keep writing