Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I loved you till dawn...

I loved you till dawn,
I was in crazy love waiting for sun.

In the peaceful bliss I chased your shadow,
Just to get abandoned in the middle of woods.

Then I searched for your smell,
To look into the bright eyes and behold you as my dream.

I ran again beyond the sun, beyond the sky,
I searched the heaven, the mountains and the oceans.

I searched your shadow everywhere;
just to find you in my heart,

With sunrise and the murmur of birds,
I wake up and find you sublimed in my dreams in eternal past.

The sun is in your side, the day is in your side,
But the moon and nights are mine.

Then I love the night and dark for they are my very own,
Every peaceful night in the dreams I love you till the dawn.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good.