Saturday, May 26, 2007

Rage .. rage against the sublim self.

Something to answer a doubt of some one. Something to asset my creation and something to claim my creation as indigenous.
Here it goes....
Well I have always been a polemist, not because people accuse me of plagiarism but because they find my thought to challenge their human orthodox. But who is afraid of being eccentric, everything that is accepted and cherished today was eccentric some day. You learn that you are perfectly “you” only when your action is questioned, only when you’re self being is questioned. But it’s your vision, dreams, beliefs, credos and desires that bring up your self image. And this image is what we should always look up to. This is the image of our truest form, revealed only to us. And like a signature it reflects in everything we do and think. As a living men we are not indifferent to every emotion, we too like things and proudly at least I proclaim loudly things and people I love. I accept my shortcoming shamelessly. I am shameless as I love myself and as I love things my “self” loves. I don’t hesitate in taking humility neither in taking pride. That’s how I define life, a breakless wheel which is steered by only you and guided by people you love, who love you. That’s a life full of energy, enthusiasm, raw spirit, a desire to explore all horizons and courage to take new path.
"Sin is nothing, sin is brain,
Sin is something that makes me insane."
These are my lines for what is sin. Sin is an illusion, if u agree something to be a sin its a sin. Sin is a perception and not a judgement. Now the fact that being a second hander is sin or not I must say blatantly, every indivisual is a secondhander in one or other way. We are not the creators of everthing but we use them and change them with selfish authority. But one should have the guts to admit and respect other's creation, one must be able to say its his creation that driffted me towards my idea, its impossible to say "I am always self drivven", as the logic justifies if u r driven u need a motive and all alone u can't have a motive. Aas long as you don't betray your own self respect its no evil, its no sin.


Diptikanta said...

is not it

ha ha hah ahha

abinash said...

Ya may be. Haha...

Anonymous said...

Read the page! Very nice! Please keep writing! :)