Thursday, March 27, 2008

On the porch of Life

Sitting on the porch of life, looking across it all the way back till the last moment I can remember what I think? I found I have grown into myself only half and the other half into something that I never wanted to. Life has turned out to be something else far more different than what it was supposed to be? One thought comes rushing to me for rescue. I gain my consciousness to console myself, I have enough time for restructuring everything, life, style, myself, even my death to the way I want. a faint smile runs across my face, I take my face away from me with a sigh of satisfaction, more like a thirsty man in desert drinking in an oasis breathlessly. The heartbeat slows down to normal and the fingers stop trembling. I stand up off the porch, all most in slow motion I take the first step forward with courage and hope revived. I move in the direction of the remote light, the only light I can see, the light of life.


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