Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A philosophy for life

Life should be lived looking forward and not back ward they say. But how do one looks forward? I learned it may be the way to anticipate goal and achievements for yourself and live by the sheer joy and hope that some day you will achieve them. Some day for sure. This philosophy of living is rather filled with illusions still one can suffer the transient happiness. subtly you deceive yourself in a way that it becomes all most an addiction. A crazy obsession that thrives with the time. You try to get solace with this preoccupied confounded brain which knows nothing but few of these unrealistic still widely claimed futuristic materialistic possessions. They soon become the guiding rule for the life and you are drifted towards the agony of behemoth ignorance. This deflection of self away from self is what they call as life.
But when u start to take retrospective approach of philosophy of living. You may suffer a transient discordance of brain and heart, but it will lead you closer to a path which can be traversed by none other than your self. The past sins and the achievement will enlighten your present and not future in contrast with the futuristic approach of life. But then its the present thats alive for past is dead and future is not born yet. The suffering comes when we consume the present to produce the future - which is undefined. We afford to loose the present and forget the time bygone to be in the fake euphoria and not ecstasy. A true happiness can be achieved when we look back at past and realize the present and never care about the future. Just being assured that your present action is righteous and filled with satisfaction future will draw itself automatically in the flow. after all they are all related with cosmic logic. Like the future direction of any object is defined by the direction of force you apply on it at the present.
Its all blissful man can have for himself a retrospective approach for life.



morinn said...

I always thought that living the present moment as it is without caring about the past and future is the best way to stay happy. But sometimes you can chase memories and plans for the future which come up and linger for days in the mind. :(

Great piece of writing!! :)

Anonymous said...

If not all these lines surely made sense to me!

"A true happiness can be achieved when we look back at past and realize the present and never care about the future. Just being assured that your present action is righteous and filled with satisfaction future will draw itself automatically in the flow."


Lakshmi said...

Abi, as i told you i liked it but you must have dreams to follow otherwise your present wont be fulfilling. This is my personal opinion. Not caring about the past is always there and its the best practice :)

abinash said...

Morin: Hey thanks yaar. yeah sometimes it feels so good to be nostalgic which comes form past only.

Nandini: How r u? Thanks. I wrote out of an overwhelming philosophical compulsion.

Lakshmi: True dear. :)

Mudit said...

" Like the future direction of any object is defined by the direction of force you apply on it at the present."

Now imagine, the object which you are pushing blindly gets blocked by a wall after moving few meters... a vain attempt. Rather, if you have looked at the wall earlier , u would have changed ur direction.
Just keeping future in mind and then planning is a safer option.

Actually, I think past, present n future are same thing.Future has to turn into Present and then to Past.So, instead of stressing only on Present, we should balance all three.

Mudit said...

" A crazy obsession that thrives with the time."

I think this obsession only keeps the world driving else everything will become stagnant. Goals and Achievements can be termed as 'unrealistic' or 'futuristic materialistic possessions' but these only gives birth to things like Labour, Vision and Development !!

These things bring miseries and sorrow but still these illusions are worth relishing.

abinash said...

Mudit: Thanks for these insightful analysis and comments. :) But I would give one more short in justifying what I had written.
1. " Like the future direction of any object is defined by the direction of force you apply on it at the present.":
See as u have pointed out about the wall to be foreseen. But U cant see the future but u can only predict it. And you never know the probability of the prediction, its all the matter of time that would justify it. Now I must exemplify my statement. Suppose one person predicted that he is going to loose the job and hence afford to loose the grace of present inorder to so called preparation for future trouble. But what is the guarantee the trouble will come? What is the guarantee he will live to see the trouble? What is the guarantee of the future when u fail to make it in the present.
All I want to say is dont make predictions. Predictions are awfull, Have hope and a vision though if it gives u happiness. But not get so obssed with it that u destroy the present.
The creators die, the consumers die, even the creations die.

abinash said...

Mudit: To be laconic the point I was trying to make is, search happiness with in and not with out "self". Don't try to be creator in other's eye, but a consumer in urself. The past can educate u with the fatc that Everything is illusion. No worries last, no happinees last, just it teaches u how to be indifferent. But the obsession with future is what kiils all these. NA dthe visionaries are not drive by future's prediction but present's passion.

Mudit said...

" Predictions are awfull, Have hope and a vision though if it gives u happiness. "

Very true. But to be on safer side , its better to look how ur present actions will affect ur future. Live present to the fullest, but remember that the future will one day turn to present.I am not telling to be a slave of future but have respect for it.
Why do people have savings ? Why dont the spend all the money to live the present ?? Because there can be situations in which u may need in future like some accident or disease something.

I just want to say that Prevention is better than cure. So, have a balance among all three - Past, Present n Future.Bcoz all three are interrelated.

Mudit said...

" NA dthe visionaries are not drive by future's prediction but present's passion. "

Let me complete this.Visionaries are not driven by future's prediction but by present's passion to turn their perceived dreams into reality in future.
They foresee the future things and use their present to shape those ideas.
This is what we call creativity which turns into entrepreneurship.

Dreaming, having vision, insights,Goals...all these are different facets of future only.

I again repeat, dont be a slave of future but have repect for it !!

Unknown said...

"The suffering comes when we consume the present to produce the future - which is undefined. We afford to loose the present and forget the time bygone to be in the fake euphoria and not ecstasy. A true happiness can be achieved when we look back at past and realize the present and never care about the future"
These are the "self explanatory" lines.This is what i feel is enlightment an will bring true happiness.Well to put forth my analogy for life -
Life is a course taken by a rolling stone in a river. Origin of the river is "Birth" where the mud starts accumulating into a stone - "Childhood" and then the stone starts rolling all the way down the river - "Youth". It then hits,falls through, jumps, glides throughout its course where it gets more and more polished and sheds away the accumulated weight slowly - "Getting Matured with Gyaan (Knowledge of eternal Truth)" and then slowly it reaches the Sea, the Stillness -"Death" . The course of the stone and hence our life is all prefixed. Now its upto us how much weight i.e Aham we shed so as to get moksh.
Its the river which determines and takes the stone through its course, not the stone itself. This is excatly what is our life ... we the stone and god is the river and the course taken is life. So if life is prefixed then why do we worry about the future as if we could really shape it on our own. Life will take its own course.Future has always been dark for us and will remain so.So why worry about the darkness rather than njoy the happiness of light!!!!
Looking back at life will make our faith in God even more stronger -"Its all prefixed". This thought will help us njoy the present to the fullest, and shed all worries and concern.

abinash said...

Rajashree: Well quite correct. I agree to most of the points except for the one pointed out in the last. We should not be worry as everything is prefixed. I agree, we must not worry for anything but the term that all are prefixed is inappropriate. Life is like light propagation, which travels in the coordinates of time and space. Space is fallacies and illusions called "maya", time is reality. From any particular point in time life has potential to travel to any possible direction and dimension like light do. So everything is predefined. The whole path is part of the system but the path you are going is devices dynamically depending on your choice. Like light chooses its path. Life chooses its path. But all points are inter connected. All the points are equally potentent. So things are prefixed but not prefixed for anyone. NONE. All path are predefined but not predefined for any one. Its we who make decision every point of moemnt in the flow of time and hence draw a path. This can only be realized looking back and hence can be used to chooses a differnt point in the present. Thats what the article suggests.
Will put a full article on the same today. :)

Unknown said...

Well i agree with your maya and time concept and the fact that each one draws a different path... but have you ever analyzed the fact as to why people choose different path!!! Why do they react differently,given the same conditions??Why all of us dont think alike and what exactly that "Choice" means!!! what is the driving force for making a choice.... Analyze...
I am sure then you can definitely understand what i meant by prefixed.

abinash said...

Rajashree: Not exactly. I mean people think differently because they are made to adopt dynamically. With (different) psychology they get distracted. While creation every thing is same. Its the man himself he corrupts the psychology and misuse it. The psychology is there to understand the system not to get overwhelmed by it and be in dark. Like I had said everything is prefixed but not for anyone. One has to choose the path for he has been made that way to utilize the scope created for him to understand the system every moment.